Our GUARANTEE We are Corporate Members of the BEST Foundation. BEST is a really forward thinking organisation which is trying to raise the bar within our profession. In an unregulated area, this is as close as we can get to being regulated. In any business, things can go wrong, which is why BEST provides the following guarantee to our clients (can your Will writer provide a guarantee like this?): Should any client be dissatisfied with the service that has been provided by a member, we will guarantee the following: 1. Arbitration services will be provided free of charge should we deem this to be beneficial. 2. Should any BEST member be unable to complete a client’s order for any reason (including death or bankruptcy) then we will guarantee that another BEST member will complete the work for no additional charge to the client. 3. Should any work carried out by one of our members need rectifying following a judgement from the BEST Foundation panel, the Foundation will guarantee that the unfinished work is completed by another of our members. 4. Should it be deemed by the BEST Foundation panel that a refund is appropriate, then we will provide the refund should the member be unwilling or unable to refund the client themselves. All clients must firstly follow the complaints procedure of the BEST member, to ensure that they are given the full opportunity to rectify the issue/s.
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